Newsletter for December 2023







Ross Gagliano Part 2 was as good as Part 1. Ross once again shared many stories and insights into what being in a band was like: taking to the road, recording in studios in Birmingham, Muscle Shoals and Memphis. We have some fun times with all our guests over the years and look forward to another fun time in 2024. By the way, we begin with Tom Wier who has produced a documentary on the life of Wayne Perkins. Wayne is a local guy whose career as a guitarist took him to England and playing with The Rolling Stones. To learn more about Tom and Wayne be sure to attend our January meeting.

December is of course time for our Dirty Santa game. We have all those who want to participate bring a wrapped gift (suggested price around $20) and the fun begins. If you just want to come for the snacks and not be a participant that is fine. Just be there and have a good time.

And since December is the time for giving we also do something we call ‘Free For All’ (taken from the name of an Ted Nugent song). If you have some vinyl, CD’s, DVD’s, etc that you want to get rid of, bring them and let the members take what they want. And you may also find something you want.


As mentioned a couple of months ago, we are in need of volunteers if we are to keep our annual record how going after 2024. The officers met recently and went over every little detail it takes to produce the record shows and things also done through out the year to make each monthly meeting happen. At this time all these things are being done by 6 people. I will call these ‘The 6’ . Years ago we had over 2 dozen people pitching in. But, with time comes retirement, traveling, grand kids (who are much more fun than your children were), health issues, apathy and death. So we are now in need of BRC members to do some of the things to keep the load off ‘The 6’. And if you know these guys who are a member of ‘The 6’, please thank them. Terrell, John, Joe, Martin, Todd and myself need your help. So I am listing the areas where you can help. We who are doing these things will give you advice and the help you need so you will not be left on your own. If you see an area you are willing to pitch in and do, you can reply to this email, attend a monthly meeting and tell us what you can do or call me, Charlie at 205-655-9087. This is a land line so NO TEXTS.

  1. Help in most all areas of IT is needed. Help with printing name tags for the show, lifetime membership cards for new members, updating email list on mailchimp, updating our email and mailing list each year and updating the address label list we use for the show each year.
  2. A dealer pack which includes their name tags, show contract and tax forms is put together and handed out at the show. If you can help with printing the name tags mentioned in item 1 above, you can also help Terrell put these packs together if help is needed.
  3. Anyone who has contacts with local TV can be very helpful. Todd has had good luck with local radio but we just can’t seem to get our foot in the door with local TV . We would like to have more advertising or info about our club and the annual record show put out by the TV folks.
  4. Our BRC Music Hall Of Fame will continue whether we continue our shows or not and our HOF is in good hands with Martin handling everything but if you can help him out I know he will be appreciative. After we come to a consensus on an inductee(s) we make sure a bio is written and printed, a picture of the inductees(s) needs to be obtained, frames are bought and the bios are framed, we have our HOF plaque engraved and we have the presentation done during the show on Saturday.
  5. We place info about our annual show on as many record collecting websites as we can find. If you use any of these type sites and can help place our info on them that will be very helpful.
  6. We need a person to be our dealer rep. After many years of being our rep, Joe is stepping down. He has done a great job and many thanks are due him. Letters are mailed out to each dealer from the previous year’s show to determine if they will be returning. At this time this detail is handled by Terrell who has the letter and forms saved and makes necessary changes each year. We need to hear from them if they plan to return and we need to get signed forms and payments back. As dealer rep, someone will keep up with who has returned forms and payments and as the deadline approaches for these items to be returned the rep will need to contact dealers who have not sent these items in. Terrell will keep the rep up to date on who has returned forms and payments. Your name and phone number will be included in the dealer letter so they will be able to contact you as well.
  7. And as always we are in need of volunteers to work at the front table taking up entrance fees from show attendees, handing out wrist bands and tickets. Each shift at the table runs anywhere from 1 to 2 hours depending on the number of volunteers we have. Last year Last year about 8 people worked the tables the entire weekend. We need about 30 to make this work properly where everyone has a shift and then has time on their own to mix and mingle with BRC members, dealers, customers, look for records or get something to eat.
  8. Our July meeting is always when we put address labels and stamps on the postcards we send out as advertising to previous show attendees. We have well over 2,000 of these postcards to do. The attendance at this meeting to help do this has been very good but we can always use more help. When the June newsletter is sent out and this activity is mentioned, please consider dropping by and help out.
  9. Are you proficient with the legalities of working to get a group like BRC a 501c3 status? We are going to begin this process soon and if someone can help with the ins and outs and what the proper steps to take are it would help ,move the process along.

There are many other things that go into the show and monthly meetings that ‘The 6’ have been doing and these are things that at this time they have said they will continue to do. The annual record show has been a very important part of our club’s activities and we always look forward to putting it together. With more volunteers the load won’t be as heavy and cumbersome on just a few. So, the 2024 show WILL BE held but we can use the new volunteers NOW and not just to prepare for the 2025 show. If by chance the 2024 show is our last, just think what it will be like the 3rd weekend in August without a BRC Record Show. The club will continue, newsletters will continue, BRC Radio on the website site will continue, the HOF will continue, guest speakers and BRC members who do a presentation will continue, having members bring records to play will continue, the fellowship of other music lovers will continue but there will be an absence of the fun that our show has brought, so please consider helping out with this request. THANK YOU.


I suppose everyone has heard this by now but I have to mention it. The Rolling Stones are doing another tour. It is the Hackney Diamonds Tour ’24. I know when we were young and the Stones began putting out some great music we hoped they would last forever……..I think they have. This tour is sponsored by AARP…….The American Association of Retired People. Did they approach AARP or did AARP approach them?


All those past record shows did not just happen.  There was work to get them done.  Let’s call it a labor of love.  All this talk about work makes me think of songs about work.  Enjoy these.

‘Working In The Coal Mine’

Lee Dorsey

‘Working For The Man’

Roy Orbison

‘It’s My Job’

Jimmy Buffett

‘Work Hard, Play Harder’

Gretchen Wilson

‘Another Day, Another Dollar’

Wynn Stewart

Merry Christmas. Remember the reason for the season. See ya,


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